Monday, September 08, 2008

And the giveaway winners are. . .

Okay--I know I should have posted this last night. So sorry. Luckily, the apology comes with a bit of free advice: Don't run a giveaway during the first week your children go back to school.

Now, without further ado or excuses. . . .

The winners of the Boca goods and Krazy Ketchup (gotta LOVE those k's):


I just need your address info, and you'll be chowing down in no time. I also have some other stuff to give away--mostly kid-related, so if you feel comfortable telling me your children's ages and genders, I might just throw in a little something extra, provided what I've got is suitable.

Congratulations one and all!

1 comment:

Stimey said...

I wanted to let you know that I got the ketchup and am very excited to try it out on my kids. My fingers are crossed. And Sam is going to LOVE that Magic Treehouse book. Thank you so much!!